Capacity Building Training By IOM-Nepal to Ethical PRAs in Kathmandu

Capacity Building Training By IOM-Nepal to Ethical PRAs in Kathmandu

VNVNEPAL would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for providing the Private Recruitment Agencies (PRAs) of Kathmandu with the invaluable training-cum-workshop on capacity building of ethical recruiters in Nepal titled "Migration, Business & Human Rights in Asia: Ethical Recruitment Training for PRAs in Nepal," held on the 3rd and 4th of April 2024 at Hotel Yak & Yeti, Kathmandu. The insights gained during these two days have significantly enriched our understanding of ethical recruitment practices and will undoubtedly contribute to the enhancement of our operations.


One of the most beneficial aspects of the training was the clarity provided on implementing the core tenets of IOM-IRIS (International Recruitment Integrity System) principles on ethical recruitment within the PRAs' operational and administrative ecosystem. PRAs are particularly enthusiastic about developing a comprehensive management system based on these principles, ensuring smooth and efficient operations even in the absence of top-level personnel. The training helped in doing that by simplifying the technical aspects of implementing various internationally accepted migration principles and policies, leaving no room for confusion. While we already adhere diligently to practices such as storing candidate data securely and obtaining their consent, we were further briefed on the importance of transparently communicating with candidates regarding the sharing of their information and why it is a must. Many foreign employment aspirants in Nepal do not conceive the notion of ‘confidentiality’ or ‘data privacy.’ So, it is our utmost responsibility to impart to them the knowledge and awareness of how their data can be used and misused by the companies.


The workshop on Corrective Action Plan and Internal Risk Assessment provided valuable insights, and VNVNEPAL is eager to implement the framework developed during the session. Additionally, the e-campus course and certificate on “Management of Fair and Ethical Recruitment” have equipped us with a deeper understanding of best practices in the sector. The interactive discussion round, where we deliberated on the current scenario, existing practices, and potential issues in ethical recruitment within Nepal, provided further clarity. It illuminated new opportunities, highlighted emerging challenges, and presented conceptual frameworks to address these challenges for PRAs. As a result, VNVNEPAL is now earnestly considering not only the development of new policies and amendments to existing ones but also the establishment of proper procedures to effectively implement each of our policies.


VNVNEPAL would also like to extend our appreciation to the other PRAs for their participation and cooperation, which contributed to the success of the training session. Finally, we would also like to express our gratitude to Under Secretary Mr. Dipendra Poudel from the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security for his encouraging and motivational speech.

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